Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Assalamualaikum J
Sebenarnya kalau mau posting ini telat banget udah selesai sejak Agustus lalu, but whatever lah, hahaha, share aja gapapa kan?

This is one of my best experiences of life. Began in June and ended in August, we had a lot of stories. Our group consisted of three medical students including me, one dental students, one nursing student, and six students of public health. We were placed in Pantai Bahari, Jeneponto. Koordinator posko Pantai Bahari yang tercinta kanda Muh.Idham Rahman. We have a lot of programs that should be done in the first month, becoz of that we did not have many thing to do in the second month.

Oh iya, karena kami adalah KKN Profesi Kesehatan, perlu ditekankan bahwa proker kami fokus pada kesehatan

enjoy the pic! (apa deh..)

absen yang bikin galau tiap hari :')

in our posko (saya yang motret) :p

we call ourself as The Chickens

depan posko, spanduk Pantai Bahari :))

pasukan lengkap! depan kantor lurah

chickens girl at Seminar Proker

enjoy the sunset!

pelatihan dokter kecil

penyuluhan gigi dan mulut

penyuluhan PHBS

screening gizi + pemberian makanan tambahan

screening gigi

screening katarak

so, thats all our stories. Thanks God for gave me new family. i love Pantai Bahari!

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